It is essential to have a system of emergency alarms in such a tough environment as a site or a tunnel. Besides providing a general view on the number, position, and master data of workers present in the different zones, the system allows sending alarm signals should a hazardous situation occur.
The system manages all kinds of emergency alarms, both in the construction site or inside the tunnel, involving:
Thanks to the EGOpro Safe Tracking system, alarms can be activated by another factor besides environmental ones: the presence of a worker wearing a TAG, for instance, whenever:
All alarms are managed by a single web-based software through which messages or mails can be sent to the relevant officer or alerts can be activated in situ.
Alarms can be activated by the presence of a worker wearing a TAG in the different zones of the site or tunnel.
The system offers a full and reliable solution because it can integrate all kinds of environmental monitoring sensors.
It strengthens safety, emit alarm signals in real time, and provides the data necessary to expedite any actions or procedures required.