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ame forma freccia

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

certificazione ISO 9001 2015 01
certificazione ISO 9001 2015 02
certificazione ISO 9001 2015 03
For following scope research, development, design, execution, maintenance, and after-sale servicing of electronic systems

Quality Policy

AME’s mission is to consolidate and improve its market position in the fields of Safety & Security and Sensoristics so that it can successfully meet and exceed customers’ expectations.

The company's strategic objectives are:

To develop technologically advanced solutions, focusing all the company’s activities to meeting customers’ expectations and to constantly checking and monitoring data related to the products made;
To consolidate a lasting and fruitful cooperation relationship with all its customers so that it can provide any time products and services that meet customers’ expectations, and to expand the company’s presence in the international arena;
To pursue and enhance, in general, customer satisfaction;
To constantly verify that the work procedures applied ensure the maximum levels of safety;
To foster the professional development of personnel through continuing training;
To create an increasingly dynamic environment to manage increasing volumes of data in a more and more efficient, effective and timely manner so that the company can respond to a constantly changing market and its requirements;
To constantly verify and check the supply of products and semi-finished products so that the quality of the final products is guaranteed;
To actively involve partners and suppliers, where possible, in joint improvement initiatives;
To ensure that procedures and services supplied are up to date and meet the continuous improvement standards so that the maximum level of efficacy and efficiency is attained;
To analyse and monitor at all times the data on the activities carried out, mainly in terms of process performance and customer satisfaction;
To foster and implement improvement measures based on the results obtained from data analysis;
To reassess the Quality System and the Quality Policy at least once a year in order to check that they are adequate, suitable and relevant.

To reach these objectives, the Management undertakes:

To meet the requirements specified in reference standard UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, the company’s internal rules, and those requirements applicable that arise from requests by stakeholders and from provisions laid down by laws and regulations;
To activate whatever resources are needed, mainly regarding technical aspects and involvement of staff;
To constantly improve the System by checking that it is suitable and correctly used;
To inform all members of the personnel about this Quality Policy so that they understand it and are aware of how to correctly use the procedures and the documentation of the System in general.
ame forma freccia

ATEX System Certification

certificazione atex 01
certificazione atex 02
Equipment or Protective System or Component intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
• Directive 2014/34/EU • Notification number: TÜV IT 20 ATEX 047 Q • Protection concepts: Ex d, Ex i, Ex m, Ex t

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