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AME|The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition 2018

AME|The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition 2018


AME exhibits at the “The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition 2018″ which will take place from  MAY 7 th to 10 th at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pa., USA.

Feel free to visit our team and our partner AIM  at our common Booth: 1552!


At this fair we will present our solution: “EGOpro Safe MOVE” (Proximity Warning Systems): The system signals the driver, in real time, through visual and acoustic alerts, the presence and the position of any operators wearing active PPE who are approaching, dangerously close, to the moving vehicle. The system allows the driver to swiftly intervene and avoid impacts with other operators or vehicles, taking the most appropriate safety measures.  EGOpro Safe MOVE  is very flexible and through the touch screen display in the cabin you see not only the alarms of both danger and system diagnostics, but also configure parameters such as: activation range, sounds, visions etc…

…For more info…

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La nuova frontiera della sicurezza