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AISTech 2017 |AME | The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition

AISTech 2017 |AME | The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition


AME exhibits at the “The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition 2017” which will take place from  MAY 8th to 11th   at the event halls of the Music City Center, Nashville, Tenn., USA.

Feel free to visit our team and our partner AIM  at our common STAND 1247!


At this fair we will present our solution: “EGOpro Safe MOVE”(Proximity Warning Systems) a safety aid system that, due to the sensors placed on the vehicle and the innovative active PPE worn by the worker, enables drivers of moving vehicles such as forklifts, excavators etc. to detect via a display inside the cabin, the presence and position of a worker (or of other vehicles) that are located in actual hazardous conditions. For more information …



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Richiedi informazioni


La nuova frontiera della sicurezza